
Anti Racism Code


Please read all the policies carefully before making the registration :



Nimble sports and Events Private limited is responsible for the operations of Nimble Cricket Bash (“NCB”) and this Anti-Doping for Players & Team Official (the ”Anti-doping Code”) is adopted and implemented as a part of NCB. The Players agree to not indulge in any such violations and the Team Officials agree to not encourage or conceal any such activities by the Players.

Company by issuing this Anti-Doping Code are trying to Provide for an effective means to ensure that all participants (Players as well as Team Officials) conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and restrain from conducting themselves in an manner that may be construed as a violation of the World Anti-doping Code.


2.1. All Players are automatically bound by and required to comply with all of the provisions of the Anti-Doping Code.

2.2. All Players agree that

a) that it is their personal responsibility to familiarize themselves with all the requirements of the Anti-Doping Code, including what conduct constitutes an offence under the Anti-Doping Code and be acquainted with the list of prohibited substances.

b) to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee to hear and determines charges brought pursuant to the Anti-Doping Code.

C) not to bring any Preceedings in any court or other forum that are inconsistent with the foregoing submission to the jurisdiction of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee.

d) it is player’s personal duty to ensure that no prohibited substances or its metabolites or markers enters his body.

e) player’s lack of intent, fault, negligence or knowledge will not be valid defence if any prohibited substance is found in his Sample collected after Testing.

f) each players acknowledge that refusing or failing, without compelling justifications, to submit to sample collection will be construed as admission of guilt and considered as doping.

g) possession of Prohibited substances and/or prohibited methods will render the registrations of the Players Cancelled.

h) possession of prohibited substances and/or prohibited methods will render the registraions of the Player Cancelled.

i) administration or attempted administration to any participants in-competitions of any prohibited methods or prohibited substances will render the registrations of the player cancelled.


3.1 The Company shall be responsible for drawing up and implementing a test distribution plan for implementing such Testing. The Company will engage one or more third parties to conduct such Testing on its behalf. All such Testing shall be conducted in substantial conformity with the International Standard for Testing.

3.2. All Players must submit to Testing conducted on behalf of the company upon request, at any time or places, with or without notice.

3.3. Having due regards to the age of the Players such Testing shall be conducted in presence of their guardians, with their consent. However no guardian can withhold their consent on unreasonable grounds.


If the Testing of the Sample, after examinations, turns out to be positive, the Player shall not be entitled to participate in any match and shall be disqualified and basis this if the Registration is cancelled, the fee paid would be forfeited and.


The list of Prohibited substances include but is not limited to:

a. Peptied hormones, Growth Factors, Related Substances and Mimetics Hormone and Metabolic Modulators

b. Diuretics and Masking Agents

c. Stimulants

d. Alcohol

e. Narcotics: Mitragynine and tramadol

f. Glucocorticoids

g. Telmisartan

h. The entire list of the Prohibited Substances published by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for the year 2016 which can be accessed at :


6.1. The Anti-Doping Code may be amended from time to time by the Company with such amendments coming into effects on the date specified by the Company.

6.2. The heading used for the various Articles of the Anti-Doping Code are the purpose of guidance only and shall not be deemed to be part of the substances of the Anti-Doping Code or to inform or affect in any way the language of the provisions to which they refer.

6.3. If any articles or provisions of the Anti-Doping Code is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reasons, the Anti-Doping Code shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such Article or provision which shall be deemed deleted insofar as it is invalid, unenforceable or illegal.