
Missing Children-Policy

Please read all the policies carefully before making the registration :


Nimble Sports and Events Private Limited (Company) is responsible for the operation and management of Nimble Cricket Bash “NCB” and this Missing Children Policy is adopted and implemented as a part of NCB. The Company by issuing this Missing Children Policy is trying to provide for an effective means to ensure that all participants are safe and secure in the premises.


All officials of the NCB are expected to follow rules as outlined in this Missing Children Policy.

Staff members are expected to abide the following :

a) Frequently count the number of children in their group to ensure that no one is missing.

b) Enforce a policy that no child may leave his group or the premises for any reason without informing he coach or other officials/volunteers/supervisors.

c) Enforce the practice that other children in the group should tell the officials if they notice that anyone else is missing in the group.

d) No become so involved in the activity at hand that the staff member loses track of the participants who are waiting on the sidelines.

e) Not allow children to be idle for long periods; idle children look for something else to do and wander off without even realizing that they are leaving the group environment.


If a child goes missing, the following steps must be followed :

a) Enquire about the missing child and his whereabouts before reaching a conclusion of any sort.

b) Inform officials of NCB, who can start conducting an official search in and around the premises.

c) Monitor the entry and exit points.

d) Search the immediate premises and the outlining perimeter.

e) If the child cannot be found post all such efforts, a complaint should then be lodged with the concerned authorities after consulting with the guardian of the child.

f) At any point in this process, if a person is spotted who looks like he or she doesn’t fit in this environment, the officials or any other staff member must be alerted immediately.


At all times during the NCB Tournament and Selection camps, the officials shall ensure that all safety standards are compiled with. These would include presence of paramedics/doctors, security guards, trained coaches, and proper equipments/kits to avoid the occurrence of any mishap.


a) The Missing Child Policy may be amended from time to time by the NCB with such amendments coming into effect on the date specified by NCB.

b) The headings used for the various articles of the missing children policy are for the purpose of guidance only and shall not be deemed to be part of the substance of the missing children policy or to inform or affect in any way the language of the provisions to which they refer.

c) If any article or provision of the missing children policy is held invalid or unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the missing children policy shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such article or provision which shall be deemed deleted insofar as it is invalid, unenforceable or illegal.


If a child goes missing from in or around the premises, an official shall be delegated the duty to take care of all information send or received with regards to such cases and to ensure that no false rumors are spread around which might hamper the image of NCB.